Saturday, May 31, 2008

Too Many Castles, Not Enough Homes

If you've driven through North Scottsdale or Paradise Valley lately, you most likely have witnessed a good deal of home construction. The Luxury Home market has not suffered from the same downturn as the more median-priced home market. What the high-end housing market is suffering from is a lack of creative and common-sense design, and the inability to grasp the concept that the vast majority of us do not need and cannot fully utilize a 10,000 square foot home.
It seems most builders find it easier and more profitable to reuse floor plans and offer minor alterations to consumers as options. Often the only recognizable difference between homes on the same street is color and choice of stone veneer. But the consumer is not a victim, but, rather, an accomplice because they are eager to add their voice to the vanity-driven "bigger is better" mantra.
The exterior details on these McMansions (super-size it please!) consist mainly of eye candy that has become cliché and ubiquitous - arches that serve no purpose, ostentatious front entries, and cultured stone veneers applied in away that offer no hint of the structural functionality that their natural stone cousins once offered.
The interiors of these behemoths - at least those I have been in - are impersonal, offer an inefficient, wasteful layout, and feel more like a castle in need of defending rather than a home that offers shelter, comfort and functionality.
My wife and I, along with two cats and a dog, live in a 1550 square foot home and have never pined for more living space. Additionally, I would venture a guess that our 30 year old home is better built than the McMansions sprouting up like weeds today.
Recently, a very well-known architect made the following statement regarding these same weeds - "In twenty years, they will all be gone."
When that does happen, perhaps, as a society, we will be enlightened enough to appreciate a new mantra - "less is more."

Dana W. Ball
Architectural Designer / General Contractor
Art Guy Design, LLC

Monday, May 26, 2008

Building Green is Oh So Trendy... But What is Green?

The Green Bandwagon is getting full. Instead of blindly diving onto it, I've decided to take a more contemplative, deliberate and cautious approach. What is Green? Myriad people and organizations define green. The National Association of Home Builders has their Official Guidelines, The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) has their Green Building Rating System™, here in Arizona we have organizations such as AKA Green offering green products and educational resources to the public and the building community, as well as the City of Scottsdale which has put in place a Green Building Program to service both the public and the building industry. And, on top of that, we all have our own opinions and philosophies.

Green can be applied to design and construction of a home in several ways:

Use of Technology such as photovoltaic solar cells, high SEER heating and cooling units, CFLs and thermal pane, low-E windows

Choice of Materials such as permeable material for driveways and e-crete block which is infused with air and insulative materials and can potentially serve as a final finish

Consideration of Resources by using passive solar cells to absorb heat from the sun, water reclamation and gray water irrigation, and use of local materials

Use of Common Sense as applied to structure orientation, placing the return air below ground, installing duct work within the insulated building envelope, allowing for cross ventilation, use of passive heating and natural lighting, and installing natural landscape that requires little or no maintenance.

Over time, we will, as a culture, define and re-define what Green is and how best to implement Green strategies. Technology will change quickly, and the cost of going Green will, most likely, come down. Until then it's wise to become educated consumers so as to best be able to utilize all possible means by which to save our environment. For more, visit my Green Home Design Page.

Dana W. Ball
Architectural Designer / General Contractor
Art Guy Design, LLC