Friday, May 1, 2009

Sustainable Vision Roundtable

We had our first Sustainable Vision Roundtable yesterday. It was a big success!! Over eighteen interested parties where in attendance.

If you are interested in Sustainable Living, please feel free to attend the next event.

What: Sustainable Vision Roundtable
Who: Discussion group for those interested in Sustainable Living, Green Home Design, Simple Living, Eco Design and anything related to intelligent living.
Where: 6350 N. 78th St Unit 259, Scottsdale AZ 85250 (cross streets McDonald and 78th St)
When: 4th Thursday of every month 4pm to 6pm
Cost: Free, refreshments provided

The meeting is an opportunity to learn more about what's going on in the industry, to begin to lay the foundation for further relationships, and to learn what we can do to promote and further intelligent living.

In future meetings we will begin a conversation about the opportunities that will very soon avail themselves to those of us who are open to the possibilities.

To be sure, there is going to be more than enough opportunity for everyone allied to this industry once the recovery begins in earnest. Though this is NOT a networking event, bring plenty of business cards.

Please email me if you would like to attend:
Dana Ball, Art Guy Design